26 September 2023
Studio 4, 52-56 Standard Road, Park Royal, London NW10 6EU info@briskpay.co SIGN IN GET STARTED Money Transfer Made Easy In London 26 September 2023 Studio 4, 52-56 Standard Road, Park Royal, London NW10 6EU info@briskpay.co SIGN IN GET STARTED Money Transfer Made Easy In London 26 September 2023 Studio 4, 52-56 Standard Road, Park Royal, […]
In today’s fast-paced world, where globalization is a norm and international transactions are commonplace, the need for efficient and hassle-free money transfer services has never been greater. London, as a global financial hub, is home to a plethora of options for sending money across borders. In this blog, we’ll explore how money transfer has become remarkably easy in London, offering convenience, speed, and security to residents and businesses alike.
London is known for its diversity, and this extends to the financial services available in the city. When it comes to sending money internationally, you have an array of options to choose from. Traditional banks, specialized money transfer companies, and even digital platforms are at your disposal. This diversity ensures that you can select the service that best suits your needs and preferences.
“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”
– Henry Ford
Phasellus vulputate fermentum purus quis suscipit. Nullam sollicitudin, mauris sit amet dignissim dignissim, arcu nunc blandit dolor, sit amet mattis orci purus quis neque. Nam tincidunt mauris vel placerat faucibus. Sed feugiat accumsan nibh congue accumsan. Phasellus mattis sagittis sem eget blandit. Maecenas tempus turpis ac leo finibus tincidunt. Vivamus elit lorem, condimentum et porta id, convallis eu turpis. Suspendisse luctus nisi at pharetra lobortis. Nullam efficitur lectus quis nisi porta mattis et non lacus. Proin ut tellus ac mi auctor efficitur. Integer ultricies congue condimentum.
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Brisk Pay helps a variety of business sectors and individuals send money safely and quickly all over the world. We promise to make the transfer process easy, secure and timely.
Briskpay is a trading name of Brisk Pay Ltd which is a company registered in England and Wales Company No. 16262133 with a registered address of 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, England, W1W 7LT payment and foreign exchanges services are provided by iBanFirst Limited. Brisk Pay Ltd is partnered with iBanFirst Limited as its payment and liquidity partner. iBanFirst is a registered trading name of iBanFirst Limited, registered in England and Wales under company No. 06260585. Registered Office: 6th Floor Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1QS. iBanFirst Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an Electronic Money Institution under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (FRN: 1001629). The products and services that iBanFirst Limited offers are limited to unregulated spot FX transactions and deliverable forward contracts excluded from MiFID or EMIR regulation, as they are intended to cover an underlying future payment for identifiable goods and services.